Here you can add ingredients, recipes, and meals.

You can also customise nutrition category settings including the macro split and description.


This is where you can add and edit ingredients. When adding a new ingredient, you will need to enter a unit, amount and the nutrition information for that particular amount (e.g. 100g). We source nutrition information from all of the existing ingredients from FoodWorks. 

*Note that once an ingredient is saved, you cannot change the unit as this may cause errors at a recipe level (e.g. 50g spinach may become 50 cups spinach)


Here you can add and edit recipes. When adding a recipe, you will need to include the time it takes to make, an image, ingredients list and preparation instructions. 


In this section, you can view all the meals available on the platform. You can filter your search by category and/or meal type. You can also unpublish a meal if you do not want it to appear in a customer's meal plan. When editing a meal, you can assign to a particular category and meal type. 


This is where you can add, unpublish and edit meal types. You can also assign a priority to meal types depending on how many meals a day are selected.


This is where you can add, unpublish and edit nutrition categories. Settings that can be altered include number of meals per day, macronutrient settings and minimum calorie requirements. You also have the ability to add a unique description and image for each meal category (shown on the customer front end).

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