Creating a Pricing Plan

This guide will cover how to create a pricing plan URL link.

*Keeping in mind, creators can’t create a pricing plan for $0*

Creating a new pricing plan URL

Within your platform, you can create a variety of different pricing plans for your existing product plans. Plans can be either one-off or recurring. And payment period can also be set i.e. weekly, monthly etc..

  • To begin, go into Products - Plan Pricing
  • Click on the blue plus button to create a new pricing plan


Make sure you select the correct product plan for your pricing link

Now, go ahead and fill out the required fields

  • Name of New Pricing Plan (note: this will be the product name displayed on your registration page)
  • Code (just repeat name).
  • Select Correct Product Plan.
  • Select the Plan Type - either one-off product or recurring subscription.
  • Plan Duration (set recurring weekly, monthly, or quarterly) or (one off for 12 weeks, 3 months, 6 months etc..).
  • Set Price for duration.
  • Click Save
  • After you have saved your new pricing plan, you must click on the highlighted button to sync with your Stripe account.
  • Finally, you can then access your new URL under the Link button
  • You can then embed this link on your sales page/website. Or, send to a prospect manually.
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