Fitness (Adding Exercises) 

In this guide we will cover how to input exercises into your platform.
Adding Exercises
  • Go into the Fitness section of the platform and click on Exercises. A list of pre-named exercises will be shown.
  • Click the blue ‘+’ button in the top right hand corner to ‘Add’ a new exercise.
  1. Write the Exercise Name in the Name* box. (ie Dumbbell Squat)
  2. Write the Exercise Name in the Code* box  with ‘-’ in-between every word (ie Dumbbell-squat)
  3. Muscle Group* - Select the correct ‘Muscle group’ from the dropdown list.
  4. Suitable for* - Select if the exercise is suitable for ‘Anyone’, ‘Men’ or ‘Women’
  5. Type* - Select if Exercise is ‘Home Only’, ‘Gym Only’ or ‘Home and Gym’
  6. Level* - Leave as ‘Beginner’
  7. Priority* - Unless written into plan as different, leave as P1
  8. Injuries* - Select same muscle as entered in ‘Muscle groups
  9. Leave ‘Description’ blank
  10. Add metrics and personal best (follow this guide)

  1. Media Files - Refer to Adding videos and images from Vimeo
  2. Instructions - List instructions for how to set up equipment and/or perform the exercise. Alternatively if you don’t want to include instructions you can write ‘View video for exercise Instructions’
  3. Click ‘Save and Publish’

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